Ranking the 5 Best Sci-fi Tom Cruise Movies in 2024!

JAN 02, 2024


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Cruise and Spielberg teamed up in 2002 for a spooky flick about arresting people before they commit crimes, based on a Philip K. Dick story.

Minority Report (2002)

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Liman's 2014 action gem mixes Groundhog Day with Cruise and Blunt's killer chemistry, earning its stripes as a top-notch sci-fi action flick.

Edge of Tomorrow (2014)

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Spielberg's 2005 take on H.G. Wells' aliens, starring Cruise, is a blockbuster hit with a dark post-9/11 vibe and lots of scary moments.

War of the Worlds (2005)

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Cruise and Crowe's 2001 mind-bender, a remake of a Spanish flick, stands out as a wild and interesting psychological thriller.

Vanilla Sky (2001)

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Despite looking awesome, the 2013 Cruise flick struggles with a meh plot and an unsure vibe, making it fall short despite its cool visuals.

Oblivion (2013)

Top Laurence Fishburne roles, ranked

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